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New Ownership - July 12, 2024

We are delighted to introduce ourselves as the new owners of Easybowl and Event Center Manager. Our names are Todd Britton and Nathan Hogg, and it’s a privilege to step into this role. We are eager to uphold the tradition of excellent quality and service you have come to expect from ECM over the years. We are also pleased to announce that Steen will be staying on with ECM as an important part of our team!

Our commitment to maintaining the stable, reliable system you rely on remains our top priority. We understand how essential ECM is to your daily operations, and we are dedicated to ensuring a seamless continuation of all services. You can continue to count on the reliable performance and support that define ECM.

As fellow Easybowl and Event Center Manager customers since 2006, we can relate to many of the questions you might have. We look forward to addressing these questions with and for you!

As we look to the future, we value your input on how we can further refine our services. Our goal, in time, is to develop ECM into a modern system that will work and communicate with more of today's current systems and software. Please feel free to share your thoughts or reach out with any questions by emailing us at the link on our Company page. Your feedback is crucial as we strive to enhance our offerings.

Thank you for your continued trust and partnership. We are excited about the opportunity to work with you and look forward to contributing to your future success. Please do not hesitate to connect; we would love to hear from you.

Best regards,

Todd Britton and Nathan Hogg

Uppsala - December 7, 2015

Caspeco, one of Sweden’s leading providers of solutions for a better operating economy, has acquired Easybowl, an international provider of booking for event centers, called ECM.
Caspeco was founded in 2006 by Per Söderqvist and has become a fast growing company by offering restaurants, hotels and stadiums systems and support that improve their profitability. Caspeco will integrate Easybowls ECM in their “system-suite”, which means that the customers will receive a modern, powerful and flexible solution in many different countries.

- Krister Fingal, CEO of Caspeco, says:
“It´s an honor to include Easybowls ECM services in Caspeco. This will help us and our customers in our international expansion. Our services includes Booking, Schedule, Time, Payroll, Analysis and Payment. The services is demanded internationally and with Easybowls ECM solution which is an established system, we can grow easier and more innovatively together with our customers. This is a big and important step for us and it will require a lot of hard work. Now we want to talk to all the customers to hear how they want to develop together with us”.
- Tonny Orloff, one of Easybowls founders, says:
“We are really excited about this. We wanted Caspeco as buyers, because we will still be customer for many years with our bowling centers in New York. Together with Caspeco we can focus on our core business and constantly optimize our profitability. We are looking forward to be a part of the Caspeco family!”.
Krister Fingal
Cell: +46 70 550 10 99
Tonny Orloff
Cell: + 45 42 44 11 22


Software release: v2.21

We are pleased to announce the release of Event Center Manager 2.21. You can upgrade your current version of ECM to version 2.21 by contacting your Account Manager or

Among other features, ECM version 2.21 includes new CRM functionality, visual table handling for restaurants (beta), additional Seat Group-restrictions for advanced event handling, and finally new web functionality for internet reservations.

The Table Handling Module will be fully introduced in version 2.22.

Software release: v2.20

We are pleased to announce the release of Event Center Manager 2.20. You can upgrade your current version of ECM to version 2.20 by contacting your Account Manager or

Among other features, ECM version 2.20 includes PoS Touch design upgrades, new PoS and invoice features and Booking Guide Unions.


ECM is now available as application on Windows 8 tablets.

Software release: v2.13

We are pleased to announce the release of Event Center Manager 2.13. You can upgrade your current version of ECM to version 2.13 by contacting your Account Manager or

Among other features, ECM version 2.13 includes double database handling and multi-event check-in handling.

Software release: v2.12

We are pleased to announce the release of Event Center Manager 2.12. You can upgrade your current version of ECM to version 2.12 by contacting your Account Manager or

Among other features, ECM version 2.12 includes the ECM Swedish Edition Module to satisfy Swedish tax and cash register regulations.

Cash register approved (Swedish market)

We are pleased to announce the approval of ECM Swedish Edition Module for the Swedish market (

Software release: v2.11

We are pleased to announce the release of Event Center Manager 2.11. You can upgrade your current version of ECM to version 2.11 by contacting your Account Manager or

ECM version 2.11 includes several additions including new PoS Touch functionality, Point credit card device integration, new RFID interfaces and minor design changes.

New Module: Customer Relations

Customize your customer and reservation information and gather it automatically online with this new CRM module.

New Module: Event Scheduling

Schedule any regular event or multi-event with additional activities by time, description, location and staff assignments.

Past news

Integration: Point

Integration to Point Iceland has been released.

Integration: Accelerated Payment Technologies

ECM Internet Reservations now integrates to Accelerated ( Contact your Account Manager or to learn more about switching online payment structure.

Integration: Salary systems

Easybowl now integrates to salary systems. This new feature allows the user to export time registration data from Easybowl to import in external salary systems

Integration: Steltronic Scoring

Easybowl now integrates to Steltronic’s Focus Scoring. The integration allows all lane commands to be executed straight from the Easybowl system. You can read more about the scoring integration and its many benefits in our module list under Automated Lane Management.

Integration: Bar dispense system

Easybowl now integrates to bar dispense systems, keeping track of and registering all items tapped from the dispense system. This powerful tool allows the business owner to keep track of exactly who has tapped what and where in order to minimize theft. Contact us to hear more about this theft control feature.